Windows - Sound Editing

PCDJ DEX v1 0 6536 NULL

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Name:PCDJ DEX v1 0 6536 NULL torrent

Total Size: 20.32 MB

Seeds: 0

Leechers: 0

Downloaded: 25

Torrent added: 2008-08-30 10:01:24

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PCDJ DEX v1 0 6536 NULL (Size: 20.32 MB) (Files: 1)


20.32 MB

Torrent description

PCDJ DEX v1 0 6536 NULL preview 0" alt="" />

Release Group: NULL
Name: PCDJ.DEX.v1.0.6536-NULL
File Name:
Size: 20.32mb
Date: August 30, 2008

Key Features:

Play mp3, wma, ogg, flac, wav, or directly from a CD
Change pitch with 4 different ranges from +/-8% to +/-100%
Change volume, play and pause (instant-start) with low latency (up to 2ms with ASIO, up to 10ms with DirectSound)
Edit ID3v2 tags for mp3’s and the ogg vorbis tag for ogg files
Fast and accurate automatic BPM detection
Through Soundcard rear-out
Through Left/Right splitter or
Through Second Soundcard
Mix on an external mixer
Player 1 to Front Out, Player 2 to Rear Out or
Player 1 to Soundcard 1, Player 2 to Soundcard 2
DirectSound or ASIO output
Spectrum analyzer, stereo VU Meter
Configurable song break and startup speed for turntable-like effects

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